Traditional Thai Foot Massage

Traditional Thai Foot massage can be effective in relieving various dysfunctions and disorders, but it is also a wonderful treatment to promote overall health, increase energy and to provide a general sense of wellbeing.

It combines acupressure, massage, energy balancing and stretching. Using thumbs, hands and a wooden acupressure tool, massage is applied to the feet, lower legs, and knees using rubbing, kneading, stretching and vibration techniques.

By focusing on specific pressure points and energy lines we work on reflex/ pressure points on the feet that correspond to various internal organs through which Qi or vital energy flows.

Blockages within the flow result in pain, illness or disease but by working along these lines/ channels with pressure and stretching techniques, blocked energy can be released and functions balanced – similar to the practice of acupuncture, acupressure and Shiatsu.

All treatments with Luisa are all booked at Hoppers Road, Winchmore Hill.

Flexible appointment times are available including evening and weekends.

Call Luisa on 07989 485 797 to book your treatment today